Online booking is provided for your convenience, however feel welcome to text Carmen @ 780-940-2980 for assistance or to ask to be put on my waitlist. Please note: prices and services are changing as shown, beginning Jan 1, 2025. 30,45, & 60 minute therapeutic treatments include a blend of Spinal Flow Technique, RAPID-NFR and MPS Therapy. You will remain dressed. Please come in loose comfortable clothes. Or bring some to change into. Avoid jeans, spandex and shapewear. Group spinal flow sessions are available at 2-3 times per day Monday thru Friday. These are a great option for increasing your frequency of care, and are much easier to get into and more affordable than a 1:1 session. In order to attend group treatments, you must have had an initial assessment and explained how group room works. Weekly group sessions must be booked by Sunday at 9am, after that time I will be cancel empty group spinal flow sessions and convert to 30 min 1:1 appointments. Please check back on Sundays for cancellations or text me if you are wanting an appointment that week. For more information on services available, location and hours, check out my webpage at